“The association between attraction and reciprocity has been well-studied; we like people who like us, value us, and appreciate us. Attraction, then, is not only about appearance, [...]
When you are feeling overwhelmed, filled with doubt or negative self talk, try this grounding practice from Deirdre Murphy, LISCW: Sit or stand in a relaxed position. Feel your feet anchored on [...]
If you have depression and anxiety, you may notice that these two diagnoses have a knack for sneaking in and taking control of your life. No matter what your symptoms, one common denominator when [...]
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and RICBT is excited to be sharing our newsletter every week about all things Mental Health! This week introduces the series where we share the Top Five [...]
“We all stand the greatest chance of being our best selves when we have secure, loving bonds in our lives. If you have chosen to love and cherish your child’s spouse because you love your [...]
We’ve all been there. It’s only a week into the New Year, and you’ve already given up on your resolution to lose weight, exercise, spend less, or get organized. The good news is that this year [...]